Pastor Dennis Henderson, D.Min.

2909 Summervale Lane
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
(248) 762-5909


Highly motivated pastor with outstanding experience in relevant, motivational Bible preaching and teaching. A church leader experienced in moving declining churches to vibrant growth in areas such as attendance, worship, finances, and spiritual growth. Strengths include the ability to identify church needs, develop a strategy for growth, cast a vision for growth, and implement church growth strategies utilizing a biblical “Jesus Built” model (Matthew 16:18).

The "Jesus Built" Ministry Model

This ministry model is based upon the promise of Jesus that He Himself would build His church (Matthew 16:18).  When Jesus is the architect and builder--the church is built up--it grows.  It does not die.

The key to this model is allowing Jesus to be the architect and builder; so then the pastor and other church leadership merely serve as workers on the construction site following the blue prints of Jesus.  This model emulates Jesus' ministry that began with being led by the Spirit to:

  • Call and make disciple
  • Teach/Preach relevant, authoritative messages from the Bible
  • Serve rather than be served
  • Go about doing good
  • Do the will of the father (not the politically correct)
  • Call all to repentance and faith

When Jesus builds the church it will adhere to the Great Confession (Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God), obey the Great Commandment (to love both the Lord and others) and fulfill the Great Commission (to evangelize the world).  As a result the church that Jesus builds will reflect the church life and power of the church in the book of Acts.

This model requires that a Spirit-filled church leadership discerns what Jesus wants done in the church and then does it--that way Jesus builds His church.